The Love of Keeping Home

Thursday, July 7, 2011


There are so many things in our life in which we should give thanks. The little moments through out our days that seem the same as the day before are indeed the moments that make up our daily life. "How we spend our days is of course how we live our lives." The fear of regret is something that often takes grasp of my heart from time to time. The fear of having regret over time spent wasted through out my days. Spending too much time conflicted over matters that seemed most important when in fact they were mere distractions. Traps, perhaps, set out to blind me from gifts He who loves me has placed before his beloved. "Beloved", such an enduring word for one who is such a mess.

To have it all yet led to feel as though there is nothing. It is not enough. Living in a culture that holds so tightly to their things. Bigger, better and best is the tune to which is sung. Fast, fabulous and fun is the rhythm of our lives. Competing with one another and perhaps, not even realizing it. Little country houses are no longer acceptable as we pine toward the newest trend. Is this the life style in which God desires? He with the most toys wins?

The sweetest man I ever knew lived an abundant yet simple life. He had his t.v, sofa, recliner and bed. His little car which got him from point A to point B. This man was as happy as ever. His Swiss heritage instilled in him the love of relationships not possessions. Working hard and making a living are of great substance but to waste the provisions (whether large or small) on mindless, frivolous things was unnecessary.

Yet distractions run along beside pulling and enticing drawing us with in. Somehow ingrained in one's mind is the desire for something more. Is that then the emptiness felt in our hearts? Or is this longing of more a mere distraction to engulf one into discontentment?

At times this life does not feel like a journey. A journey speaks long and winding. Filled with beautiful scenery's off to the west and east. An occasional uphill which will succomb to a decline downhill leading one into a meadow suffused with wild flowers and trees in the distance. Quiet and patient. Peaceful and relaxing.

Life is filled with unexpected pain and loss. Suffering and dissatisfaction. Wanting and longing. Episodes in one's life seemingly not deserved.

It's easy to live in the pain and wrongs of one's life. That is indeed, where the enemy wants us planted. Planted not to bloom, but planted only to diminish.

~~~~~"Bloom where you are planted!"~~~~~