The Love of Keeping Home

Monday, July 11, 2011

Love in Abundance

To have a love that fills you with abundance is a treasure on earth we long to have. His compassion that drives him along your side cannot be measured. His grace to turn away from the erroneous only to hold your hand and smile upon.

Patient and kind~loving and enduring
Qualities only I can admire. Seeking to imitate.

He says he believes we were meant for one another because he is my threshold.
He is...
my friend
my one hearts desire
my fortress
my comfort
my all husband.

"Gratitude for his man God gave me measures too much for words."

No matter what circumstances were once laid before me, the path in which He has bestowed before me this day, has indeed been marked w/ this man. Through this man God continues to show His deepest love and adoration for me. When once a misty fog of perception now a clear view of understanding.

Understanding of the attributes, His son Jesus Christ enfolded, requires much prayer, study and application to one's life. When not raised in a bible believing-living home, comprehending the inner heart of our savior can be difficult. We are often reminded that our perception of God can be influenced on the type of father one has/had on earth. Even when blessed with an amazing father, even then appreciation for the heart of Jesus can be misleading. God loves us even more so than our dear parents, family and friends. He sees us for who we are and are to become.

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrong doings, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 1 Corinthians 13:4

Whether believer or nonbeliever, God brings those into our lives only to enlighten our knowledge that we may gain of His endless love for His beloved children. Let us not take for granted those He holds in the palms of His hands.

Living moment by moment, whether filled with endless adventure or daily mundane, awaken your senses and open your heart to this unending beauty. He has made in great detail, an abode upon which we ought to lavish up and fully enjoy. These... all of which are blessings indeed!

Have a wonderful day!

in Him,