The Love of Keeping Home

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Liar's Club. They walk around this earth taunting and infecting the innocent. Usually the the very one's who are seemingly meek and reserved. Like an epidemic disease they spread venom through out the land. Spilling into social spheres causing division and destruction. Their venom effects the integrity of the innocent's reputations. Venom weaving and entangling places and circles of the innocent's world. 

A heavy black cloud hovers over the city. Cries are heard from too many corners to count. She walks in. Brash and mean. Cold and dark. Her hair, the color of cruelty. Her pointy nose scouting. Her devious smile flashes at the on lookers and by standers. Her whit aimed at the oppressed. Oppressed are they by her lies. By her spit. By her filth. By the demons who dwell with in.

Who are these little ones that follower below at her side? Who is this man that stands along side? Where are his values, his sense, his discernment?

The oppressed who have fallen entrapped by her wicked tongue turn to their loved ones. They grasp the hands of the support. They run to opposite corners of the room. They refuse eye contact at all cost. 

Her deep dark round eyes laden with heavy black mascara scan the rooms. Waiting to pounce on her next victim. Like the demons who run through the night up and down the alleys of the lost, her eyes run up and down the halls and pews for the innocent.

The preacher recites love notes from the book the innocent en script in their hearts. She sits in the front row for all to see. Even the devil and the demons know His word.  She stands tall and proud. "Every one look at me, I am wonderful, I am here, I sing loud, I am..."

The ceiling lights bounce off her dark weave. Reflecting self love. Self conceit. Self pride... Reflecting SELF.

The innocent know her games. They see the blind who disgustingly lap up her cunning words. The innocent know who follow her lies and honor her hate. Her hate for truth. Her hate for integrity. Her hate for love, her hate for peace, her hate for quality, her hate for life, her hate joy, her hate for marital vows, her hate for His Beloved!

 She engulfs the world. "Liar" etched on her skin. Blinds the weak in decernent and reason with self proclamation and raw emotions. She begs the blind to love her flaws. To embrace her sufferings. To be a real believer is to believe her hate. This is the song in which she sings to all. A song the innocent refuse to hear. Her evil melody, in which echoes through the halls of the chapel and down the paths of the oppressed, latches and plants root.

She struts, proud with conceit, through the doors of the innocent's homes. She barges through with animosity and poison though the rooms of the innocent's close ones. She opens her mouth for moths and decay to spue forth. The moths and decay take flight attempting to nest in the oppressed one's brain. She feels no pain. She feels no anguish. She feels NO SHAME.

The venom that travels through her blood moves at rapid pace. Filling the corridors of groups and friendships. Seeking to destroy fine knit bonds that hold together. Searching to whither the hearts of women. Lusting for the men, who stand beside their moral courage, to take notice of her provocative eyes.

She dances to the beat of sin. Her body moves with the rhythm of jealousy. Her hair sways to the sound of satan's voice. Her eyes gleam to the thoughts of unholy. Her pointy fingers dance through the air to strum of the beating drum. Drumming melody of lies and wrath of mass destruction.

She uses the words of His commandments and statutes to her advantage. A weapon. A tool. Deception. For these clearly are not standards by which she lives by. By the fruits of her spirit are evident. Evident in her life. For her fruits are rotting with deceit, manipulation, LIES, evil conduct, self gain, words of hate and slander. Callus. A thief. 

Like rotten fruit with disease and flies. 

The Liar's Club.

Do you know anyone who is in this club? This club that takes and robs you of peace and joy? Perpetuating filth and stench. This club that seeks you out...the innocent with out remorse or warning.

Twisting and manipulating situations to best fit their lives. They play the victim in every circumstance.
When they cry, be aware. For it is not watery tears streaming down her cheeks but the black venom from within.