The Love of Keeping Home

Sunday, February 12, 2012

When love should be appreciated everyday. When love should be sought after and fought for everyday. When love should be made special on this very day...Valentine's Day.

I love to keep old letters friends, relatives, ect. have written me. I keep them tucked in cute little boxes. I recently came across an old Valentine Card my husband's dear grandmother sent to us some years ago. I treasure it even more now that she is gone.

Love is more than a feeling. It surpasses a "moment" and it is meant to be lived moment to moment not merely said. Love can be a lifetime. Love can calm the treacherous of storms. Love can smother a fire. Love can lift a series of sadness. Love can bring sunshine to a rainy day.

Love can wipe away tears and years of pain. Love can help erase the erosion of guilt. Love can lift the weary out from the darkness. Love can bare the hardships and carry the burdens. Love can whisper "I love you" when your heart hurts most. Love can rest their hand on the hand left defeated. Love can rise from the wake of disaster and replenish need.
Love stands by your side when nowhere to go. Love embraces with warmth when you are cold. Love listens when incoherent and brash are all that's let out. Love is abiding. Love is never failing. Love is agape. Love is...Love. 

Love delights in many different forms. Coming through passing people through out your day. The kind cashier or the smile from a customer. From the loves who pitter pat through out your home each day to the wagging of the beloved pet. From the friends who melt your heart to the mail man who brings good news. From the favorite song heard on the radio to hundreds of hugs from loves.

Love is Jesus. Though He giveth and taketh away, remain in Him should we. When left broken and crushed under the pain and uncertainty, sometimes Love is hard to find. His beloved are not created to understand all. His will we lack the vision to see. Love is to trust; is to abide; is to hope.

When looking for His love amidst our anguish. Look, seek and discover the promises left for us to lavish in His Psalms. Grasping His gifts sent from Him especially for us to grab hold and share. Unwrapping each gift from the early rise of the sun to the moments spent during our day and ending with the rise of His moon.

Living by His endless grace. All's broken, sin filled, ashamed, convicted, a mess, lost, hopeless, helpless, all's loved.

His love is perfect love, His love is all we need. People dissapoint, people fail. People are human. People are imperfect.
He is without sin, He is without dissapointment, He is without fault. He is perfect, He is Perfect LOVE.