The Love of Keeping Home

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tomorrow lies the Ides of March. A day in which, as I grow older, keeps coming quicker and quicker each year.
There's going to be a dinner party here and I have much preparation. But today is to beautiful and warm to spend inside (just yet) so I am going to play in the flower beds. They are beckoning me...
 I think cooking and gardening sometimes go hand in hand. If you have a love for cooking than I can't imagine how gardening wouldn't be a love as well.
I love kitchen gardens. Gardens where you grow all your favorite essentials for easy summer cooking and baking.

You don't need a large back yard for a little herb garden.
All you need is a sunny window and fresh air.

Some basic herbs and vegetables I enjoy keeping just planted in pots on the back deck are:

                                 Morning Glory (flower great for salads and tea)

In my actual Herb Garden I have planted perennials that come back bigger and better each season. 

Lemon Balm

Good quality soil is key to good quality delicious plants. If using a planter, fill the bottom with a few rocks, layer on top with peat moss and top the peat moss with a mixture of manure and garden soil. You can mix one bag of manure and one bag of garden soil in your wheel barrow with your trowel. Then what's left over you can save for other planters.

Some essential garden tools: 

     trowel (to plant and work the soil
       hand claw (to till the soil)
 garden gloves
         pail (for debris and extra dirt)

Just be sure to water daily and your little herb garden will bloom.
Remember to start small with just a few of your favorites. You don't want to overwhelm yourself. 

My girls love to garden with me. It's something I hope they continue to do once they are grown up and have homes of their own.
I hope you find your garden satisfying and rewarding.

...because they really truly are.

Happiest of Spring Days to You!