The Love of Keeping Home

Monday, March 19, 2012

When it Rains it pours and so...
we Endure.

Life just happens sometimes. Life seems to find us when we are trucking along, minding our own business, fulfilling our obligations and meeting our days expectations. Before we know it, we just finished realizing that "life" is pretty good right now... no bad news, good weather, every one's healthy, car is running, job's still there and then POOF! We get that call. They drop by with the news. We turn on the radio. We tune into the news. We hear from that friend.

...And suddenly just like that our little worlds shift. From seemingly happy with mild worries to everything different.
Has this ever happened to you?

I have found myself in this "life" happening, time and time again. Only to realize, it's probably only going to keep happening. I have  the narcissistic tendency to wonder Why Me? Or think of the "other" guy who says they haven't really been through tough situations before. It is then in my raw and selfish self that I wonder so many questions. I wonder inwardly, am I the only one? What is separating me from that guy who has it so seemingly easy?

While I sit and muddle in my own misery and self pity,  the expression I've heard far too often is made true.

"When you think things are bad, someone else has it worse"

It is usually then, I am brought out of myself and my perspective broadens. The me grows to we and the waaa turns into how can I help. For I am but a flower of His among a field of many.

The beauty of trouble and discouragement is that God does not measure our pain. The woman who mourns her lost kitten means just as much as the woman down the street who mourns her wilting tulips.

Each of our sadness whether large in our eyes or small in someone elses, grieves our God. The sadder we are, the closer He wants us to draw near to Him. He desires our everything.

He wants to give us the desires of our hearts if it is in His will. When doors begin to open and we stand back in utter amazement, it is then He smiles.

Our gratitude and thanksgiving for each circumstance lays the path of endurance.

Life in this life is guaranteed to bring us pain, sadness, loneliness, great mourning, emotional barriers, financial hardships, relationship trials and uncertainty. 

Hopelessness is expected if dealing with Life's tragedies with out the presence of His Holy Spirit comforting our hearts and soothing our thoughts.

This life is a journey with it's twists and turns or straight and smooth road.

To endure the bad news that makes this life LIFE, with steadfast commitment to remain in His precepts satisfies our need to sway otherwise.

I admit I often wonder why LIFE gets us the way it does. Why should the wonderful sweet woman lose her husband just weeks after his retirement? Why should the young bride endure difficulty bearing children? Why did my dad have to pass away at such a young fifty nine? Why does my husband get to have all four of his grandparents the majority of his adulthood and I don't? Why do some college graduates obtain jobs right out of school when other's can't? How is it some marriages fail while other's withstand worse circumstance and thrive?

These are just a few of the nagging questions that swirl around in this rather loud head of mine.

The wonderfully unexplainable What If's.

And then tucked away between the leather binding and silk thin pages are His promises. Without them I would be lost. He created me. He created you. He created each of us with great purpose. We are not an accident. We are not here because of some sonic boom or the crazy in explainable apes.

We are beautifully and wonderfully made.
Made to breath fresh air.
Made to play.
Made to work.
Made to create.
Made to love.
Made to live abiding in Him.
Made to waste nothing and serve happily.
Made with Grace for grace in grace. 

Made to live with much ENDURANCE and grace filled gratitude for this "living" we call Life.