with so much to do
I need to stop and smell the roses...
I am looking ahead to warm afternoons
sitting on the porch
drinking sweet iced tea.
Listening to my children
playing outside and
soaking in the summer sun.
We will be spending out Summer
at my dad's cute little house in Washington.
The house is only a few years old with an entire backyard
ready to be landscaped.
We have lots of work to do on the apartments as we
are getting them prepped for the market.
Spending three months
away from home is a little daunting.
We have a lot of preperation and work t
o in order to get ready.
What should I pack, how much clothes do we need?
food from the pantry?
Should I pack all my flip flops or just a few?
These are the "tough" decisions I face :)
We have five buildings to paint. Landcaping the outskirts and redoing the entire courtyard. Fencing off the back of the complex and flipping units as need be.
With all of that on our palette, I hope to still
find time to spend a few afternoons at the lake
and visit the Pier.
Visiting new and old places with
my family. Sharing time spent as a young girl
with them.
Summer is such a dear time for our family.
I look forward to dangling our feet over the lakes edge
into the cold fresh water.
and spend late afternoons
with old friends.