The Love of Keeping Home

Thursday, February 9, 2012

5 Ways to Fight through to Love:

1. You don’t need honed communication skills
As much as the will to connect hearts.
2. Get to the tender wounded question behind  every fight:
“Can I depend on you? Do my feelings matter to you? How do you care about me? Hold me?”
3.  In the anxiety that’s masking as anger, don’t up the ante
Don’t up the ante with name-calling, labels or threats of the D word (divorce).
Critical language can register in the brain as the same area as physical pain — which leaves your spouse dealing with their own pain, instead of caring for you in yours.
4. Be your spouse’s ER:
Emotionally Respond. Listen to the cries of fear behind the fighting. Hear anger as a cry for attachment, this call for connection. Have the courage in the midst of the heat to tenderly reach out and touch the bruised places. Reassure that you’ll always be there, that you care, that you’re in this together.
5. Hold each other close and long
Love bears all things. Be a roof, a wing, a shelter in the storm.