The Love of Keeping Home

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Road to Sufficiency...

when everything is well and everything you have is enough.

How do we arrive to days of sufficient? moments spent in gratitude and thanksgiving...

upon moments of days of life when everything encircling is a mess and our brokenness spilling that when we ought to find sufficiency? When a mess surrounds, gleam to the gifts? 

Among a culture thriving on constant self love, searching for the next key to complete zen/happiness.

Apart are we to remain as our "zen" (if you will) lies between pages of black ink specially scrolled for His Beloved.
To which is our guide post. Each passage a road leading to answers to moments in which you are found disappointed, hurt, sad, insufficient, hindered, betrayed, deceived, grief stricken, alone, ect.

Reading God's Word, meant for us, can open doors to understanding many of the afflictions and wonderful blessings experienced in this life.  

When we read the words left for us in The Bible, we are in direct communication with Jesus. He uses the words to speak into our hearts. Giving us understanding, comfort and much to contemplate. He desires to be our hiding place. The place we turn at any moments notice. When life goes rye and disappointment strikes.

This is the greatest love story. Waiting to be lived.

Application is key. What good is food meant for nourishment if not taken and eaten? These are not empty illustrations and guidelines. Absolutely are they not printed without merit and reason. Amazing things begin to happen when we imprint these passages to our hearts. When we memorize His word, we develop the sense to decipher between what is right and what is not. We can begin to see the path ways He has layed out before us. We begin to cleave to Him evermore. Relying on His unrelenting grace moment of every day.

We begin to spend our days, even when  everything else around us seems confusing and unfair, encouraged. Encouraged because He cares. Encouraged because He has succumbed to situations of pain and affliction as well. Encouraged because He knows. Encouraged because He loves us. Encouraged because He knows us. Encouraged because He gave His life for us.
Those truths are why we should feel encouraged.

Plant roots in your life. Roots that will bear fruit. Fruits of love, kindness, hospitality, a giving heart, slow to anger, quick to listen, understanding, patience, time, respect, happiness...

A tree without roots can blow down in any given wind storm. A tree without deeply rooted roots will not grow and replenish. A tree without roots will wither and eventually...

A tree fed by His Holy Spirit will flourish. A tree with a foundation of roots can withstand even the strongest storms. A tree with good strong branches can bear much fruit and sustaine.

A tree with roots can continue growth when the gardener prunes it's branches. Resulting in a life of lived abundenlty through seasons of His giving and taking away.

Today...I want to plant roots of patience and love to my threshold He has given. My husband, my children, my family, my friends...

...and when this task comes difficult (because I know it will), or I may fail...even then I know where to go. To become rescued. To hide away yet to be seen by Jesus in all my ugliness and failures. It is then,  I can be encouraged. In Him all is sufficient.

~abiding in Him~