Many years ago, my first job as an adult was as a loan processor at Wells Fargo. I loved this job and the friends I made while there. Every morning we would attend these customer morale meetings for 20 minutes or so. One morning while at one of these daily meetings, our manager asked us a question. My response was one that apearantly made my co workers break out in laughter. I for one, failed to see the humor...but they did. One co worker of mine asked (rather loudly) if "Everyday was a holiday for me?" Again laughter broke.
Now, at the time I couldn't figure out why that question (at my expense) was so funny. I have to admit that it has stuck with me even after all that time and still creaps in even now. But over the years I have had ample opportunity to ask that very question to others. But I resist.
Since the days of being kind of hurt by such a smirky smirk, I have to say that now it's somewhat of a compliment. I'm naturally a pretty happy person. I usually wake up in the morning excited for my k-cup of coffee and my little quiet time in the living room with my favorite plaid chenelle throw wrapped around my shoulders. I sit, sip my yummy hot coffee and read amidst a low light before the rest of my loves rise for the day.
For me, I get such satisfaction and happiness from what other's may find irrelevant and silly. Flowers, dishes, rugs, bird houses, fabric and so so so much more make little flutters in my heart. The simplicity of life's charms and little things make living that much more of living for me. Surrounding myself around inspiration and bright happiness makes the days of this short life a little extra special.
The ABC'S of life are spelled out differently for everyone. For some it doesn't take very much to make them happy in which case that is wonderful. Just the bare essentials are all they need. How wonderful to be so content. It's a shame I am not this way. I blame my heritage. I come from a long line of complex women. :)
From time to time doors in our lives open. Doors of new and change. Some take risks and walk through those doors with hands in hand and breath held, they take a leap of faith. Sometimes new doors frighten some. Unexpected change of any sort... they avoid. The audacity of walking through doors of change can seem reckless and even faithless. Specially designed words for His beloved fill the pages of His book. Never a chapter passes without the reassurance of His love. Never a page turned in which we aren't reminded of His faithfulness.
To some His journey laid before us seems trite but to Him it is most definitely right.
Enjoy the things that make you happy...
If staying home and raising your children is what makes you most happy than live up to it at it's fullest. If scrap booking your family's years and baking cookies bring happiness to your world than you better be scrap booking & baking :) If serving the less fortunate in your community puts a spring in your step than...you get the point. If tending to your beloved house plants, sweeping the breeze way and folding the laundry on a daily basis is anything but mondane than...

Making the world around me beautiful has always been a part of who I am. I just can't help it!
The apartments have become such a satisfaction. I love being a part of such a project as this has become! I can't wait wait wait until spring when I get to pick out paint and paint each five buildings. I'm even going to give them each a name. Then in the summer, I'm going to have the time of my life landscaping. Did you know there is a courtyard?? Yes a courtyard. Yay. We're thinking of putting in a rock fountain with fish. This is all very exciting and I need to stop for now... Oh My! :)
By the way dear friends, I recently found out that while my mother was pregnant with me, she was indeed reading a southern romance novel and the main characters name was...yes, Julianna :)
So, it's settled...I'm southern!
Thanks For reading with me :)