The Love of Keeping Home

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Let the love go on and on...

From the young and innocent days of early adulthood to the passing moments that make up eleven years.

The story begins when he was twenty one and she just eighteen. A new college, a new town, a new adventure.
I remember seeing him for the first time in his college house on 3rd and Grant just a couple blocks from the university. He was standing in the kitchen among his five roomates and my friends. I thought to myself at that very moment..."That's the man I want to marry..."

Nearly two years later, daddy, mama, his precious parents and just a few guest watched as we exchanged our vows and shared our love for each other on our very quiet and humble wedding day. I in only a handed down cream dress...far from extravagent or even beautiful, he in a simple navy suit coat and tan pants. Together we stood before them~ hands trembling, hearts heavy and tears aching to shed. With weeping eyes and quivering lips we lovingly sealed our forever.

These roads of life forever together are not easy. They are not made up of simple fluff and feelings. It takes hard work and dedication. Commitment takes action. Moves far past the pen and paper. Surpasses the spoken vows, beyond the gold bands and diamond brillance.

Standing at the sink washing stacks of dishes for the third time that day, hair a mess, make-up smeared, clothes wrinkled, I look to the side and see him in the doorway. He smiles and continues on.

He comes home. Ill tempered, short, crabby, frustrated, I. He smiles that smile and the chaos from within dissipate. What choice do I have but give way to him and let the raw and ugly fall to my sides.

Socks on the floor, dirty coffee cups left at the sink, damp towels on the bed. Wet bath mat still there, procrastination present, tools needing to be put away. This, the daily dance does he. This, the daily dance I take for granted. This dance a dance that finds me annoyed and much agitated. Grumbling and left irritated.

What if it were gone? This daily dance...gone. What if one day, I came home to notice no socks; no dirty cups, no damp towels, moments not wasted by procrastination; tools put away?

What if 4:30 came and went with out the door opening and he closing it behind him?

He gives and takes away. In a single moment, He gives and takes away. Taking with Him these moments that make up my forever. My next eleven years. I quiver at the thought. The notion of what I find cruel. My heart quakes at the heart beat of the widows who's forever's have been taken away. Taken into His life, to be with Him.
I don't want to take this time for granted. To allow it to slip through my fingers. I lose my temper. I yell. I throw fits. I throw things. An utter mess am I, yet he stands by my side and helps me through it. How can I allow another day to come with and end with the setting sun without gratitude for this man? I gave him my heart almost eleven years ago, how can I let him see to know to feel that today he still captivates my heart.~

I look down at this new band. This new sparkle. ANEW. Anew in our vows, anew in our hearts, anew in marriage.  For once I wore another gold band and diamond. The first symbol of his love for me. Stolen from me what symbolized our vows & heart beat. Then slipped on my innocent finger by he. Years passing I'd cleave to the truth that we'd proclaim to one another, all those moments in time ago.

Days before the celebration of our forever together, I sit. Looking down at this new band, this new sparkle. He didn't have to replace it. But looking, admiring, loving this symbol that signifies his forever love. My forever love. Our forever.