The Love of Keeping Home

Monday, February 20, 2012

Let's go home...

to our little cottage in the country.

Where bunnies are found in the shady spot of the lawn,

and the horse needs hay.

That is where I want to be...

Not a better word found in my dictionary.

Where my little girls can discover secrets hidden away in their imagination.

Up the stone steps and to the front wooden door. Where a bundle of fresh picked roses sit in a pale of stream water.

Out the back door and across the back lawn vegetables beg to be picked for dinner salad.

But not before afternoon tea with my girlie friends!

Let's not forget to fill our feeders so our little neighbors will continue coming back.

Oh heavens, I have to grab my linens from the line...

What would Gladys Taber say??

Not to mention a few entries in my daily writtings need not be forgotten...fresh flowers on the side.

Then a nap with a book under the shade of the maple tree, of course!

Oh, and I suppose I could spare a second for a bit of delight.

After all, it's April in my heart on this very February morning.