The Love of Keeping Home

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

FEBRUARY 22, 2012

When Inadequate is Adequate

Tags:  Everyday Faith
She didn’t have much.
Actually, compared to what we have, she had nothing.
But her little was enough.
Imagine the bleak scene: a starving widow in a desperate famine, preparing her last meal-a tiny bit of flour and oil- so she could feed her child and die.
[I've seen pictures of the famine going on in the Horn of Africa today. It's not hard to recreate the horror of the situation.]
A stranger, a man of God, showed up and asked her for bread. She told him her situation. I can almost see the defeat and sorrow etched into the deep lines of worry on her face. Elijah tells her to step out in faith.
She did as he asked. She prepared the bread and gave it to the stranger.
She gave all she had, even though it wasn’t much to look at. The flour and oil never ran out. He turned her little into a lot.
Her inadequate offering became adequate.
I look at my container of flour and oil. There’s not much in there, y’all.
What I have to offer won’t fill both hands. I don’t have loads of money or talent. I’m not a very good friend and I let being an introvert determine my day. I yell at my kids and nag my husband. I’m never caught up on laundry and I’m usually overwhelmed. Some days are lonely and I doubt my determination to live counter-cultural and often listen to the voice that whispers, “you are not good enough to do this.” There are nights I lay awake riddled with mom guilt and regret.
I am inadequate. I am not capable of the God-size dream He’s called me to.
But He is adequate in me.
And that’s more than enough.
Think of the unknown people of the Bible. They are mentioned because their minuscule existence changed the very course of history.
God uses all kinds of people and He specializes in the ordinary.
God’s view of you is far beyond anything you could imagine.  As you walk in your God given identity, you are transforming the world around you.  You are bringing the authority of heaven to earth. -Jane Hoyt
You were created for a purpose. It may seem small, but it matters.
He created you exactly like you are. He has ordained a specific purpose for you.
And you possess the potential and creativity to do something amazing for Him. Even if it seems small and insignificant.
It’s not. Your small contribution might be the catalyst to change the world.
Don’t look at your “I cant’s and I’m nots”. He created you and within you lies the possibility to fulfill what He calls you too.
There is a great need in our world. At your doorstep. He’s not looking for a great world leader or a wise person with their act together.
He’s looking for someone inadequate to fill it. 
(shared from i(n)courage blog/website)