The Love of Keeping Home

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Look what Montana woke up to this morning...
A fresh clean blanket of snow. While I do have spring fever (pretty bad) I have to admit it was starting to get too brown for me. Then early this morning...

A beautiful day like this calls for a winter poem.

The little robin grieves

when the snow is on the ground,

For the trees have no leaves

and no berries can be found.

The air is cold, the worms are hid;

For robin here what can be done?

Let's strow around some crumbs of bread,

And then he'll live till snow is gone.

Take time (if you have it) for a nature study:

Nature Activities for Children | Learning About Our World | Nature Study for Children | Nature Poems for Kids

nature study for children can be a rewarding and educational pastime. It can help them understand science better. A nature study for children can help children understand their surroundings and learn to be observant. Nature poems for kids and nature study activities are an important part of nature activities for children. Nature studies can be used in homeschools, classrooms, by parents after school or by club or camp counselors. Here are a lot of resources to donature activities for children and some nature poems for kids.

God must have had enough of the brown too! 

 hope it sticks until night. I love the way fresh snow looks against the low street lights.

Because out came the gloves, hats and boots once again.
Alex and Hailey were surprised to find white outside when yesterday we experienced a very Montana weather day. Rain, wind, small hurricane (well it felt like it when Audrey and I were trying to get to the car from the store), sleet/hail, snow, stillness.

Even the squirrels in our neighborhood are enjoying it. They seem extra hyper this morning as they scatter to and from the walnut trees, across the ridge of the fence and leaping from branches.

Audrey and I have to go for a walk as soon as I am finished with this post. Because this might (probably won't) be our last snow fall in Billings. Anyway, I don't want to take any chances. 

Have a great day!